I would like to pass this award on to three other fun bloggers, one I know and the other two are blog friends:
Lisa at Blue and Shoe I know from high school. Her sister and I were good friends and Lisa was the younger (but still cool) sister. She never exaggerates a story in the name of humor. Her older sister is very funny, too, I don't know why she doesn't have a blog.
Glamazon Mormon Mom always has a great story, too. I know I can turn to her blog on a day I need a laugh, too. I think she may be my on-line twin.
Flea's World is fun and I feel that I have grown to know her and count her as a friend, though we have never met.
Congratulations on your award!! Linda does have a great blog. I also enjoy yours as well. I think your little Mimi and I are kindered spirits! HA!
Blogging is such a fun way to met new people and share thoughts and emotions.
HI! Oh, I'm so glad you gave me something happy today, after all the crapola I had to deal with! I tried to copy, download and paste the award. Didn't work numerous times. I'll figure it out though. And I DID register for the Night Owl~which is the Friday night and all day Saturday. I hope that's what you wanted to do.
Congrats on the award! Always gives me warm fuzzies when I get one.
Okay, was that too creepy to say? LOL!
Yea you picked up your award! I would LOVE to do lunch sometime. Probably won't have time this weekend BUT i signed up for CBC! Sooo excited. Hopefully we can bond then! Loving the Utah spring.... Not!
Congratulations, and thank you! That's quite a feat, for a blogger to be funny and not exaggerate events. I don't think I could do that.
Now I have to remember to post this. :) Not to self ...
Congrats!! See you sunday at 3. Happy Easter!
Yesss! I even shaved my legs! This is fancy-dancy, I am so excited for my award. And yes, we are online twins. Something tells me you are the petite, pretty one, and I am the large, creepy one lurking in the doorway. And Mom makes you take me along with all your cool friends so I don't feel left out :)
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