I understand that people aren't as interested in my children as I am. I get it that people basically humor me by listening to me rave about my kids. Especially my fellow yellow, golden child, Ali. Those that know her know that she is a gem. I've referred to her as "my consolation prize", "a breath of fresh air", or "my blessing." I didn't say she's my favorite because I don't have one. I love each of my kids for the differences they have, but she has been my low maintenance child.
Today, she is a very sweet sixteen. Jared once said we shouldn't be proud of our children - because that's a display of pride. Rather we should be pleased with our children as God said about Jesus, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased." It's very difficult for me to be humble talking about Ali. I'm sure all you parents are the same about your kids.
Ali was born 13 days overdue 16 years ago today (or yesterday if you're in Australia). Yep. That's right. 13 days overdue. She was born in Brisbane at the Mater Miseracordiae Hospital or "mothers of mercy" in Latin and in Australian they say "motta hospital". She was the most beautiful baby ever to be born there so we gave her the name of a princess, Alexandra. Actually, we couldn't agree on a name and it took three days after her birth to name her.
I wanted to add some pictures, but they are buried in our guest room since we have had guests for about two weeks. The first was a fugitive who led the police on a high speed chase and now we have JR's cousin's son for just a few days. Such a nice lad. Back to Ali, she is having a party here with girlfriends only on Friday, so I will have to add pictures then.
For her birthday she got her driver's license. I don't know how she did it, but don't say I didn't warn you.
1 week ago
OMG(osh)! Thanks for the warning! Just kidding Ali. I'm sure she won't cause too many accidents.... :)
Happy Sweet 16 lovely! And, I'm shameless enough (or naive enough to believe people care) that I have an entire blog dedicated to writing about my children! So I you are totally entitled to a post or two now and then about yours.
Happy Birthday to Ali, she is a doll, and I do remember her being low maintance! Remember Devin? I call him 'Devin, my heaven' he also my low maintance child. Very calm and level headed boy. I guess we all need one of these kiddos in our life to balance our lives huh? BY the way Krista, love your blgs!!!
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