So, I told you about my sucky letter that I got on Saturday. I was a bit emotional about that on the weekend but I'm good now. Just had to get it out of my system. I'm still a little bitter. I could spew out some sarcasm, I'm sure.
Saturday, as I sat at my desk and cried, my wonderful 17 year old daughter Ali walked in and asked me what was wrong. I told her I didn't even get an interview for the position at her school that I really wanted. I had told her about it before and she thought it would be cool if I got a job at her school. I told her they probably had someone in mind for the job already.
My precious daughter put her arms around me and said, "It's okay, Mom. In theater we learn that sometimes people are already picked out for parts. And even when you do your best and you try out for a part and you don't get it, it doesn't mean you weren't good enough. It just means the part was already given to someone else. There's nothing you could have done to change it. You're still a good actor and there will be other parts."
Really? Is she mine? How did I get a daughter so wonderful? My 19 year old son, Seth, came in and hugged me and said, "I love you, Mom." Mimi just came in and hugged me. My husband of course, said everything right and encouraged me. The dog reminded me that there was still ball to play and sometimes it gets stuck under the couch and you need someone to get it for you. There's a deep analogy there for you. My true friends have dived under the couch for me this week.
I'm feeling the pressure of improving my skills so I am not at the bottom of the totem pole but schooling is really taking a big bite out of my time. I love studying graphic design but it sure is hard having much energy for anything much after that. So I'm trying to decide if I need to cut to one day a week of school or what. That was another reason I was looking forward to having summers off, so I could fill in some more time with school. Well, I'll keep reading my fortune cookies and see what life has in store for me. Any advice?
4 days ago
Your daughter is a very wise one.
You will probably receive lots of advice! But I would suggest do what your body, and your family, and your situation can handle. It's not worth losing sleep/health/sanity over.
As for the ball under the couch? Well, have you ever thought of attaching a bungie cord to it? Just a thought.....
You are awesome, you have an awesome family, and I consider myself very lucky to have you in my life.
Sorry about the job. It sounds like you have an awesome family supporting you. Hugs!
Allie is pretty amazing and sweet. Sorry about the job. Remember when one door closes another will open. You are pretty amazing yourself!
That is a sweetheart daughter!
Sorry that you weren't the prechosen one, but hopefully there is something much better out there and you can thumb your nose at those dorks.
Your daughter is amazing and your family loves you. The reason you didn't that particular job is because the perfect one is still out there waiting for you!
Hang in there!
Hugs!! :)
So sorry again. Your daughter is wise and you have a wonderful support group. At least your dog appreciates you. Our cat just expects us to drop our life and open that can of food even if it's two a.m.
Hang in there on the schooling. Your family and what you learn (fun and rotten)are the only things you're taking with you.
See, your kids think you're awesome too!! Wise words, indeed.
I have no advice. It's so hard to strike a balance. I hope you find some soon!
very wise daughter-san!
advice? you don't want the advice of someone who is still debating what to study when I go back to school...
do you like doing Graphic Design? that's on the table still... as is library science... and cake decor... and marketing...
yep, I'm still 13 and have my whole life ahead of me so why rush right?
oh yeah, THAT point passed 25 years ago, time to grow up?
Stupid computer sent me to "error" page when I tried to post my comment. Anyway, in a nutshell, I said a wonderful, supportive family is WAY better than some stupid job. And that I'd still be madder than hell that my job had been given away. And that these kids of ours are way better than they have any right to be. :) Love ya~
You definitely have a GREAT FAMILY... and DOG! LOL!! Ali is SO right!! Frequently the leads are predetermined... in theater as well as the best jobs... It's WHO you KNOW... Ya' KNOW!
Don't try to do more than you CAN, either. You don't need to go on stress overload... You'll start to resemble ME... and we both KNOW you are WAY TOO COOL for that!
Okay, now THAT was some good advice. Hopefully you remember to remember moments like these and something (a job) better will come along with other opportunities.
I just happened upon your blog and love it!!
Your daughter gave the best advice, but I'd follow it up with some brownies, or chocolate chip cookies, or chocolate cake.
Sounds like you have raised some smart and caring kids. Perhaps there is some good that has come out of this crummy situation: Realizing and understanding the love of your family.
I realize this is a bit off the subject, but in your profile you say that you were born very young in Virginia. I have been wondering how young you were when you were born.
I was very, very young. So young I can't remember, but it was a scream!
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