Today I got a rejection letter. It really sucks. I applied for a job that I thought I would be really good at. It would have been a secretarial position for a liaison between the community college (that I just so happen to attend as a student already) and our high school, that my daughter attends. It was open to school district employees only. I didn't even get an interview. I'm sure the job was handed on a platter to some one that they already had picked out, which is the way things work. I've been a volunteer and an employee with our school district long enough to know these things. By law they have to open the position for interviews. At least I didn't have to waste my vacation time interviewing for a position that wasn't really available.
I can remember my Mission President waving his pointing finger, and saying in his high pitched, aged voice, "Elders and Sisters, it's not what you know, it's who you know."
I don't know why I'm so upset about it knowing the way things work, except that I was dreaming about having summers off, planning my liposuction next summer, recuperating in Cabo San Lucas with virgin Pina Coladas.
4 days ago
Oh yeah - "The good 'ole boy" system is in full swing in one way or another. Much of the time it is definately who you know.
Sorry about the job.
It's true. We are hiring for a new employee. My boss didn't want to hire anyone inside the division. One of her old interns applied for hte position. I don't know why they even interviewed. We all know that is who they are going to hire, even if they say they haven't made up their mind. Yeah, right.
Well, that's a major bummer. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing has happened to me on many occasion.
Sorry! Even when you know there may be rejection it still stings when it comes; especially when you've already mentally bought those tickets to the beach.
Working for a school district is full of politics and idiocy. You'll find a job where they appreciate you more and with better benefits and co-workers, I just know it.
Did you say virgin penis coladas? All I can say is it's a GOOD THING YOU'LL BE BUSY, young lady. Else you'd be getting in some real trouble. But as a side note, your mission pres was totally right.
Sorry about the rejection. Just remember, they're not rejecting you personally.
Sometimes it's hard not to feel that way though...
Politics in every venue SUCKS!! It happened many times to me in the past.
I'm sorry!! I KNOW you would've been the BEST choice!! OBVIOUSLY!! HELLLOOOOoo.... DUH!! (((HUGS))) ;D
Ahh, I am so sorry! Sad but true, being a fellow school employee I've seen that happen many times. They open it up to everyone but usually they already know who's getting hired.
Well, something better out there is awaiting your talented skills! Good luck!
I hate it when stuff like that happens. Why can't they post in tiny letters at the bottom, "obligated to post job. not really looking. no need to apply."
Sorry to hear this! We'll just have to find another way to lounge on the beach with the fancy drink with the umbrella in it, and the hot waiter to bring it to us!
This is why I have a list of people to get to know before I die.
It's the only way I'll get into heaven.
And, sorry!
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