So maybe that's why I don't get why girls go crazy over Justin Beiber. He sings like a girl. Like a girl singing about girls. I remember the first time I heard "She's Out of My Life" by Michael Jackson when I was in eighth grade and the song left me confused why a woman would be sad that another woman would be out of her life. That's before gay people were invented (in my world, anyway) and now it would make total sense. But it really bugged me back then. Kind of like trying to understand negative numbers and infinity and beyond now. Don't think about it, don't think about it. It kind of bugs me that he's from Canada and he speaks like he's been born and raised in the trailer parks of Mississippi. Canada - be offended! Tell him to speak properly and stop trying to talk like a Yankee hick subculture!
Then there is the hair that reminded me of someone who is much, much older.

oooh, I finally see why The Donald is so sought after by young buxom blondes who are approximately the age of his daughter... silly me always thought it was that bank account.
You got me busting out loud with laughter and as far as your photo shop skills go.... A number one and that picture of Donald...priceless!
ROTFLMAO Some of the girls I taught this year were completely obsessed with J Biebs. :)
Hahaha! I love it! I don't get it either. He sounds like a girl who hasn't gone through puberty.
I had no idea that Donald Trump was Justin Bieber's dad…guess he kept his mom's name, eh?
Ha!! This was such an awesome post. I love that Bieber is twins with "the Donald" and I loved "that's before gay people were invented."
hahaha! I seriously got a good chuckle out of this post. Great work with the photoshopping. Impressive! :)
Eeewww the Trumpster - Ick - sorry! The hair even Beibered up still looks so weird to me.
Justin Beiber is annoying. There is a radio station DJ here that has made up a song about how he can't wait till all the little girls go back to school so they'll quit calling him all day asking him to play Justin Beiber. It cracks me up everytime!
oh I love it!
The Bieber Trump hairstyle!!!
Totally creative...Sooooo hooot....LOL.
I think you just did Donald Trump a service. He truly looks so much better! :)
And JB...whats the infatuation?
Donald Bieber! Or is it Justin Trump? Makes you wonder.....
Everything old is new again. Beiber Baby is so totally wearing Beatles hair. The same thing that freaked out parents decades ago. So are skinny jeans and guys singing with high voices. Whatever makes parents wince works great for kids. Fun post great photoshop fix.
Well, there are a few stars that I have theough"OH BABY" over... that's pretty much as far as it gets... Oh, except Patrick Wilson. I actually FLEW to NYC to meet a bunch of friends from all over to go see him on Broadway doing Barefoot in the Park! CRAZY, I know... A manic moment, What can I say?? LOL! As he came out of the theater, I stood comfortably BEHID my camera shooting THEM getting his autograph. Then one of the girls said, "Your turn!" WHAT?? NO! That's OK, really!" She grabbed my camera and pushed me saying, "You'll regret it forever if you don't. DO IT!" So I DID!! He was VERY NICE!!! Maybe I'll post about that someday. ;p
Justin Bieber??? Who beyond a preteen need him??? Bleh! Oh... your blonde... I'm agreeing eith you! LOL!! Just kidding!! You're the smartest blonde I know!!
And Trump can keep his money... his personality leaves SO MUCH to be desired. SO NOT worth it. HAH!!
How's your head??? I can't find the PEDAL to my sewing machine!! I had to sew scout patches on By HAND! UGH!! The tragedy!! As soon as I find that pedal, I'm making that bag for you! You're gonna LOVE it!! Do you want it in your trademark pink or do you have something else in mind? (((HUGS)))
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