Some of you have asked how do I do it all? Well, I am blessed with wonderful people in my life and I try to be a wonderful person back. Try being the key word. I've been working full-time for about a year and a half. I am surrounded by wonderful people there.
Before that I worked other little jobs and met many wonderful people and learned great things - even from the adorable kids I substituted for, or taught art to. And before that I was a full-time mom to three wonderful kids. And before that I was a wife to a wonderful man, who has become even more wonderful over the years.
Errrrrt! Now I'm a part-time mom, part-time wife, working full-time, going to school part-time and then there's that necessary fun on the weekend which makes me a part-time friend. People have said, "You might have to give up blogging." You know who said those kind of nasties? People who don't read my blog - or any blogs. They don't get it. They don't get the artistic outlet of blogging and how much your blog friends mean. Even though some of us haven't even met, I feel like you're my friend and I love reading about your families and funny thoughts, too. I may have to blog a little less, but heck! Blogging has led me to my new career path in graphic design.
So you may be wondering how I'm doing in my classes. I clept out of a basic computer knowledge class. I finished my next ten hour "module" in 7.5 hours and got a 92% on my test. I'm almost done with my second "module" of 30 hours in about 15 hours and will take that test this week. I wish I could learn faster because I want to do the fun stuff, like design and draw. I was really worried that I would have a hard time retaining information because I seriously can't remember what I had for dinner last night. But so far so good. I was a good student back in the day, but it's been 25 years. So wish me luck! My next class is Photoshop, so I'm so excited to get started on that! Maybe I'll post more pictures of myself when I learn how to erase a chin!
So the next part of my wonderful world is I went shopping yesterday at JC Penney and I got three pairs of pants and a shirt to wear to work, a hoodie, two shirts and some leggins for Mimi all for $42!!!! I also had a Tupperware Party that morning and made lunch for my friends and it turned out wonderful. Then we got together with some friends in the evening and watched "Nacho Libre." Now I have a wonderful headache! Anyway, have a wonderful day!
4 days ago
Can you do some clothes shopping for me?!? Amazing deal.
Here comes Monday. Don't know about you but I'm not ready for it!
Give up Blogging!, What kind of advice is that, give up blogging! I don't think so!!
Congratulations on your grade, that's awesome. What you are doing is not for the weak, as a matter of fact, you are my hero!!
Glad you had a good day with your friends!
Your right Krista...NO BLOG STOPPING...let the kitchen floor go dirty and the grocieries not bought, but us bloggers are not quitters. Once a blogger, always a blogger.
It is a nice way to meet new friends and thats how I met you.
Glad things are working well for you in school, cant wait for you to learn photo shop. How fun!
Life is always changing anyway.
Sounds like I need a little shopping spree too.
A tupperware party...didn't even know they still existed. I thought that went out with perms and teased hairdo's. (obviously I am not into anything to do with kitchen except for its new make-over).
good luck at photoshop!! Then you can teach me! You are so busy it just made my head hurt. Wish I had known about the tupperware party. I love tupperware!
I have always been impressed. You have always known how to multitask and set priorities. Glad to hear you are doing well in school. What kind of job are you wanting when you are done?
Wow you must be busy!! I wanted to drop in and thank you for the follow I did the same. Hope to see you around when You have the time!!
BLOG! For the selfish reason that I enjoy your posts. And for the fantastic creative outlet it provides almost free. My favorite part of blogging is finding people who agree with me and leave such flattering comments.(thanks) Congrats on maintaining such a fine pace on the tough road you have chosen.
As for Photoshop--don't let it overwhelm you. You can use it to do almost anything you can soon as you can find you way around the software. I want my very own copy of the new upgrade but now the price is WAY over my head. Good thing the boss has bucks to provide it at work.
Ooohhh, I don't like when people say stuff like that about blogging! Drives me nuts!
Yea for your classes!! I love photoshop. But mine is such an old version it would probably take me a while to figure out the latest one! *sniff* I want a new photoshop!
Holy junk, clearance queen! LOVE IT! But I have to go have a nap, now, just from reading about your day. You exhaust and shame me all at once. :)
Go Krista! Go Krista! Got your game on! Go Krista! um....ya....the cheerleader in me just jumped out....sorry about that....
Thanks WONDERFUL FRIENDS! I love you, man! You honestly make my days!
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