I have about a 25 minute drive home from school three nights a week. Class ends at 9:00. You'd THINK I could think of some good bloggin' stuff. Here's what I'm really thinking about:
1. The person sitting behind me needs to blow his nose. It is whistling. His breathing sounds like he's fallen asleep with a deep breath in......pause......deep breath out. It whistles every night of class. I'd like to stick a flash drive up his nose.
2. There's not very many females in that class. One with piercings on her face and a lady who looks like a retired hippy. She has a long gray braid going down her back and wears strange clothes. I think she may be wearing a tent from Woodstock. That makes me the hottest! Hottest....burning binary code on disks.....
3. Multimedia, authoring tools, RAM, ROM, videos, kHz, interface........
4. I wish I could have a cookie dough milkshake this late at night and not gain weight.
5. Ethernet, LAN, WAN.....
6. I wonder what my blog friends are up to?
7. SCSI is pronounced "scuzzy." What's it mean again?
8. Trying to think of something for my blog.....funny.....
9. Bitmap, vector.......
10. What kind of memory doesn't lose info if the power goes out? Do I have RAM in my head?
I now know what a computer geek thinks. I've crossed over to another dimension. My next class will be Photoshop so I hope I have more creative thoughts then. "Creativity is your greatest asset in multimedia." I can't turn it off.
4 days ago
Boy, I know what you mean. RAM dumb thoughts are what I get when I drive. Trying to get a handle on CS5 Photoshop is just boggeling. I need to upgrade my brain to be compatable with the new software.
I will help you cram something up his nose! That would make me crazy.
Wow you are my new computer geek hero. I don't understand anything you said but you sound smart.
WEll that put us in your geeky mind...think I got the picture of whats going on in class now!
I'd go for that cookie dough shake or shove something up that guys nose for sure...no doubt.
WOW!! Now that's 25 min. of thinking!! Love the part about the man who needs to 'blow his nose'. That would drive me crazy too! And you know there are ways to 'work off' the calories from a cookie dough milkshake...I'm just saying;)
What a geek!! J/K welcome to Scott's world. You will be able to teach me stuff about photoshop soon, yeah!!!
WOW! I totally envy you! I have no computer skills whatsoever. I'm telling you, it takes me hours to try and figure out what should be the simplest thing! And photoshop? Oh, be still my heart! I would love to learn that.
Congratulations for being the first hottest computer geek EVER!
You now have set the bar.. like to think what wheezer guy, piercing girl and long hair hippy lady think about that!!
Request he whistle you a song. If he gives you a blank look, hand him a tissue. It always works with my hubby.
I'm suddenly feeling like a chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake!
You go hot computer geek babe!
SCSI (scuzzy) stands for Small Computer System Interface. Always happy to help an "aspiring" (I know you're gagging on that one) geek!
Pam - LMBO! That is so funny! Randy - Everything I write is 100% truth! ;-)
You go girl! My brain was hurting just reading all the things you need to remember. I wish I was taking a Photoshop class . . . I am EnViOuS!
Can't add anything to what's been said. Just DITTO! Oh BTW, your "friend" behind you is just whistling while he works....
If that flash drive thing works, let me know. I have a child or two I would like to try it on. :)
It's strange to think that a few years ago, people would have no idea what you were saying with all of those names, now they're pretty commonly known.
Wow, how far we've come over the years.
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