My pulsating pain is proof the promotion of puzzles (particularly "Places Please" puzzles) propogates pain in people's palms. I propose to prosecute Penny Press Publications who profits profoundly from people who are prone to palm pain. Prompt professional proceedings to prioritize this problem prevents prodding for pricey, pragmatic pressings. "Places Please" puzzles possess and pillage plausible people like a plague. Please pray the perpetual pain will perish and my prognosis will improve. I'm a painter in poignant peril, plummetting from my pale pallette. Prescribed Prozac pills doesn't prevent persistant pain and personality problems. Perhaps people pooh-pooh at this preposterous pursuit, but prepare for prolonged pain in your palm.....and pupils - if I don't prevail.
Try reading this with freshly applied lip gloss! Now I will publish post.
1 week ago
People present preposterously proposed problems pointing past plausible pecuniary possibilities. Passivity prevents pushing perpendicular, and potentially problematic, perversions of protocol past parameters promulgated by prescient people, preying on the predilections of precocious people's palavering. Butcha dun gud, kid! (Don't you just LOVE alliteration?)
Put the pencil down and step away from the puzzles and then get some sleep!!
Perfectly pointless to prosecute. okay, those are the only p words i can come up with.....
When puzzling, I don't even pause to potty!
Krista, if you said that after you applied lipgloss, there would be nothing left of the page, and we would need to change our Depends from laughing so
This is Janine, and I have to set up a page to reply, so I may get around to it tomorrow when Jimmy's at work.
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