1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
1 week ago
I remember when Karen was having one of her many children sealed to her and you and the hubby were in the waiting area at the temple and you kept pointing and smiling at me and my hubby and I kept telling my hubby "there are some really strange people over there pointing at us. why do they keep pointing at us????"
okay, now you have to play, too.
I don't remember pointing - maybe I was telling Jared who everyone was. Which finger was I pointing with?
I remember eating your peanut butter bars this coming Saturday at my house -- Craig
P.S. I don't have a blog, just bring peanut butter bars & Jared (I'm holding the Entenman's as ransom).
I remember going to the Dollar Store on an Easter candy etc. hunt and getting the giggles over EVERYTHING we saw. Holy Hannah! I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Maybe we need to go to the dollar store again??
I have so many to choose from. I actually was thinking about our trip to San Diego a million years ago. That was so fun! I remember your concearn over tidal waves and then realizing how much Seth is like you.
okay, maybe you weren't exactly pointing. It just made a better story that way. :)
Mmmm I remember peanut butter bars!! I don't have a blog, but I also remember your love of Entenmanns!
I also remember a really pleasant shopping trip with lunch at that little village near Spanish Fork. What a nice day!!
where do I start? Could it be going to Granite Lake? Happys Lake? Carowins and you screaming like a baby on the White Lightning? (who knew you could scream through an entire roller coaster ride). Doing the hustle at Aunt Brendas and your size 0 jeans with your hips bones sticking out. It could be Aunt Brenda stabbing you in the hand when you were going for a Pork Chop while someone was saying grace. The long boring days in the summer in China Grove on E Beaver Street....walking to town just to have something to do. There are tons of things I remember about you....all very funny
Hip bones......yes, only but a distant memory. I think I might still have some, I just forgot where they are. I hope I can find them again someday. I do miss them terribly.
The giant penny key ring! "Ours is a strange and wonderful relationship ..."
... sound check ... 1 - 2 - 3 .... testing, testing ....
Anyone there ... 80 - 65 ....
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