Could it be true? A week with no Monday? What could be more perfect? I'll tell you what could be more perfect.....a week with two Fridays!
We made it! We're here in Oz after a very long flight. I guess it wasn't all I built it up to be. We were all exhausted and it was a very bumpy ride most of the way over the Pacific Ocean. So just when you were drifting off to sleep it felt like someone kicked your seat to wake you up. Most of our flight was during sleeping hours. Mimi asked if we stopped in the middle of the night to get gas in the airplane. She commented that this was the best airplane she's ever been in. "They have food, they give you a blanket, a pillow, it has a big window, a TV, headphones, a light....." But she couldn't believe the bathroom was so tiny and she's never seen such a tiny bathroom. It was even tiny compared to her standards, who usually refers to small things as "Mimi size."
When we got to Jared's parents' house, we were briefed about the water situation. Queensland has been in a drought and has had to resort to drastic measures. Four minute showers, half flush for a number one, full flush for a number two, boys are to go outside to do number one. So I asked if I should save a flush and just pee in the shower. After my shower I apologized, because I thought I would save another flush, but I didn't know it wouldn't go down the drain very easily. I've been making sure my bladder gets its flush worth.
We had a nice day with family, taking in all the old and new sights and sounds. The old Queenslander houses, the trees, the fruit trees and the sounds of the wonderful Australian birds. Ali and Mimi have the prime room where they may catch a glimpse of a wallaby outside their window in the early evening. Well, 18 days left and lots to see and do!
1 week ago
Too much detail about your shower, Krista! I really don't want to dwell on whats floating around your ankles! lol Glad you made it safely to the "land down under" (do women really roar and men thunder???) hmmm Keep posting!
Just wait till the Rocket Scientist reads this. Glad you are there safe. I have one little question. How do you half flush?
I noticed my post said 4:14 am, but that was US time. It was only 9:14 pm here when I posted that! The toilets have two buttons on top of the lid. A small and large button. The small is for half flush and large for a full flush. There's not as much water in the hole, either!
P.S. I was just kidding about saving on the flushes. Ew!
I'm so glad you're finally down under and having such a good time saving flushes! (I didn't really want to hear about the shower incident but it is expected!)
I love your blog! You make me laugh! In fact I think I'm having a love burst right now!
Have you had a fresh vegemite sandwich yet? Run into any dingos or kangas? Any pictures?
Keep it coming, girl!!!
Pictures!!! We want pictures!! Pictures of toilets, pictures of big bugs, pictures of you and the clan-----PICTURESSSSSS!!! Love ya, Princess Natalie of West Point
Lovely - just lovely! Be careful of things coming UP FROM the shower drain! I thought perhaps a half flush was like digging a half hole ...
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